

日期:2024-03-10 12:07:55    标签:  

1. 求摩登家庭的经典台词 英语 大概要60句左右 最好全部都短一点 就十几

我们来自不同的世界,但我们彼此相容 ,爱将我们紧紧相连,共度风风雨雨.我到你的前面,只有一事相许,我的心只属于你。we're from different worlds, yet we somehow fit together. Love is what binds us, through fair or stormy weather. I stand before you now with only one agenda:"to let you know my heart is yours.

1.2那么,成为好父亲的秘诀是什么,有时候事情会如你所愿,有时候则事与愿违,但你要坚持,因为当一切尘埃落地,一个好父亲的大部分特征就会自然出现。Okay, the key to being a good dad? Sometimes things work out just the way you want. Sometimes they don't. You gotta hang in there. Because when all is said and done,90% of being a dad is just showin'up.

1.3不觉得好像伸出手臂就能拥抱全世界吗?Doesn't it feel like these arms could go around the world?

1.4你们都极力想护住些美好的东西.You're reaching out, trying to hold on to something awesome.

2. 摩登家庭英语演员

摩登家庭的英语是:Modern Family


Modern Family 英 [ˈmɒdn ˈfæməli] 美 [ˈmɑ:dərn ˈfæmli]




modern stone family 摩登石头族

Modern n Family 摩登家庭

modern modern family 摩登家庭

modern nuclear family 现代核心家庭

modern chinese family literature 中国现代家庭文学

Modern Family Season 摩登家庭 ; 第三季 ; 现代家庭 ; 摩登家庭第二季

Modern Family Guide 现代居家指南

Modern Family Ethics 现代家庭伦理

family modern family 家庭套票可售


Emotional Power Broker of the Modern Family


The amount of time youngsters spend in front of the television, the rise of obesity and thepressures of modern family life have all been picked out as possible causes.


Input: Åbro Bryggeri, one of the most modern family breweries in Europe, wanted a brand newdesign concept for a brand new mixed drink named Glow.

输入:Abro Bryggeri是欧洲最现代的家庭酿酒厂之一,该厂新推出一款叫做“闪烁”(Glow)混合饮料,因此需要新的设计理念。

3. 摩登家庭最喜欢的人物 英语作文

My favorite actor is Hu Ge ,he is 23 years old and vety hansome!Befor this time ,he is necovering from a traffic accident. So bad !Heneceived stitches for the wound on his forehehecud .Alittle days Hu waswent to Amareca make his face.when I see it ,my heart all breaken!

"Oh gad!" his fans say "We wish Hu Ge comback soon!"

我最喜欢的明星 My Favorite Star

There are many excellent stars in various fields at home and abroad, for example Zhou Xun in film industry, Mo Yan in literature, and Bolt in the sports circles. My favorite star is Zhou Xun, who is an outstanding actress. Zhou Xun watched movies since she was a little girl. Her father worked in a cinema, which offered her golden opportunity to access to movie. Maybe her talented performance was developed since then. Over the two decades Zhou Xun performs in TV or movies, her acting is mature day after day, bringing her lots of awards. Now she has become one of the iconic actresses in China. Besides, she advocates herself in philanthropy and environmental protection. Zhou Xun calls on everyone to live a low-carbon life to keep a green and beautiful planet. I like her because of her excellent performing as well as her personality.

在国内外各领域中都有杰出的明星,例如电影界的周迅、文学界的莫言和体育界的博尔特。我最喜欢的明星是周迅,她是一位很棒的电影演员。周迅还是个小孩子时,就接触到了电影。她的爸爸在一间电影院工作,这是她接触电影的绝佳机会,也许她的表演天赋就是从那个时候培养起来的。在她踏足电视电影的二十年里,周迅的表演日渐成熟,也给她带来了许多的荣誉。现在,她已经成为了华语影坛最具标志性的女演员之一。此外,她也热衷于慈善事业和环保。周迅号召大家低碳生活,还我们一个绿色、美丽的地球。我喜欢她,不仅因为她出色的表演,也因为她的人格魅力。 收起

4. 翻译问题 摩登家庭 Morden Family

先理解"sth pays for itself"是什么意思,造句就是,"Although installing a solar panel is costly, it will save a lot of electric fee in a long run, so it pays for itself finally ",就是说安装太阳能板虽然价格昂贵,但是从长期来看,它能节省很多电费,(相当于安装费用最终会被太阳能省的电费给补偿了、抵消了)所以花这个钱还是物有所值的。

题主的句子里有"many times"这个量的修饰,就是"很多很多倍"的意思,所以不仅是"pay for itself",而是”很多很多倍“的"pay for itself",所以就意译成"这玩意物超所值有木有!"


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